Useful git commands for everyday use

Git is an important part of daily programming and is commonly used in the software industry. Since you can use a lot of different commands, mastering Git needs time. But some commands are more commonly used. So I'm going to share the most useful Git commands in this post that every developer should know.

What are Git Commands?

Git commands are a distributed version control system for tracking changes in any set of files. They were originally designed for coordinating work among programmers who were operating source codes during software development.

Git is fast, scalable, and distributed revision control system with an unusually rich command set that provides both high-level operations and full access to internals.

Useful git commands

Cherry Pick: Add some commits to the top of the current branch

Stash: Save a change to stash

Rebase: Rebase the current branch onto master

Amend: Amend the previous commit

Revert: Revert the previous commit


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