Kotlin Multiplatform at Google Scale: A New Era in Cross-Platform Development

The landscape of mobile and web development has just received a significant boost with Google's recent announcement at Google I/O 2024. Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP), already a favorite among developers for its ability to share code across different platforms, is now officially supported by Android. This milestone marks a new era of cross-platform development, promising a more unified and efficient workflow for developers worldwide. Let’s dive into the details and explore what this means for the development community.

Spotlight on SKIE: Elevating the iOS Developer Experience

One of the standout highlights from the announcement is Google's endorsement of SKIE (Superior Kotlin iOS Experience). SKIE, a robust library, is revolutionizing the iOS development experience within the Kotlin Multiplatform ecosystem. Here’s why SKIE is a game-changer:

  • Seamless iOS Integration: SKIE provides modern types and coroutine support on iOS, making Kotlin Multiplatform frameworks feel as native as Swift. This means iOS developers can now enjoy the same sophisticated tools and smooth experience that Android developers have long appreciated.

  • High Praise from Google: Google’s recognition of SKIE is significant, as it is one of only three non-Google or Kotlin-produced libraries highlighted at the event. This endorsement signals the library's reliability and importance in the KMP ecosystem.

For developers, this translates to a superior iOS development experience right now, bridging the gap while Kotlin continues to enhance language-level interoperability.

First-Class Support for Kotlin Multiplatform

Google’s full-fledged support for Kotlin Multiplatform is another monumental step. This means KMP is now a first-class citizen on Android, with official recommendations for sharing business logic across multiple platforms. Key updates include:

  • Jetpack Library Integration: Libraries like DataStore now support KMP, and Room is in alpha, soon to join the suite of KMP-compatible tools. This integration streamlines development by reducing duplicated code and unifying libraries across Android, iOS, and Web.

  • Streamlined Development: With first-class support and unified libraries, developers can enjoy a more efficient and cohesive development process, reducing friction and accelerating project timelines.

Google Docs Adopts Kotlin Multiplatform

In a move that underscores the robustness and readiness of KMP, Google Docs has now integrated KMP for shared business logic across Android, iOS, and Web. This significant adoption showcases KMP’s capability to handle applications at a massive scale. Key takeaways include:

  • Cross-Platform Efficiency: By using KMP, Google Docs achieves a more unified codebase, enhancing maintainability and feature parity across platforms.

  • Future Plans: The Google Workspace team plans to extend KMP across their entire app suite, further validating KMP’s effectiveness in real-world, large-scale applications.

What This Means for Developers and Teams

For developers, this is an exciting time to explore KMP and leverage its capabilities to enhance project efficiency and maintainability. Key actions include:

  • Dive into Announcements: Review Google’s detailed announcements to understand how KMP can transform your projects.

  • Adopt SKIE: Following Google’s advice, integrating SKIE into your KMP projects can significantly improve your iOS development experience.

For teams, especially those managing large-scale applications, learning about KMP’s implementation at a Google-like scale can provide valuable insights. Since 2019, Touchlab has been at the forefront of helping clients deploy KMP in production environments for millions of users, offering a wealth of experience and expertise.


Google I/O 2024 has set the stage for Kotlin Multiplatform to become a cornerstone of cross-platform development. With Google’s full support, the introduction of SKIE, and real-world validation through Google Docs, KMP is poised to revolutionize how we approach app development across Android, iOS, and Web. This is an exciting time for developers and teams to harness the full potential of Kotlin Multiplatform and streamline their development processes for a more efficient and unified future.


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