Easy-to-use Android IoT apps

While the internet of things has been on the rise for quite some time now, there is no denying that it has had a big impact on our everyday lives. The Internet of Things is everywhere - from smart thermostats to smart refrigerators and even smart coffeemakers! IoT automates certain tasks, making our lives easier regardless if we love it or hate it. Coming home from work, imagine your lights turning on automatically, your thermostat adjusting to the current temperature, and your refrigerator ordering more milk. Doesn't that sound convenient? That's because it is!

It can be challenging to build Android applications with IoT, so let's explore some apps that make it easier.

Taking a deep dive into easy-to-use Android IoT apps

1. Datadog

Datadog is monitoring, security, and analytics platform for developers, IT operations teams, security engineers, and business users. Datadog delivers unified, real-time observability of our customers' entire technology stack through the integration and automation of infrastructure monitoring, application performance monitoring, and log management. It is used by organizations of all sizes and across a wide range of industries to enable digital transformation and cloud migration and to improve collaboration.

You can keep your Android device running smoothly with Datadog. It provides a wealth of information about your device and is easy to use. Datadog is a great app for troubleshooting issues with your Android device.

2. Prey

Prey is a cross-platform tool to control remote assets through device tracking & security. Mobile device tracking, management, and data protection are available for laptops, tablets, and smartphones. In addition to personal services, it also provides corporate services. 

Prey is a great way to keep your devices safe and secure if you're worried about losing them.

3. Emteria

Using Emteria, you can build customer-facing Android products at scale, operate them remotely, and ensure long-term security. Emteria is a tech company based in Aachen, Germany. Emteria.OS is a managed version of Android designed for industrial use cases and professional applications. As well as providing the operating system itself, Emteria offers embedded expertise, device management, and web services for building, scaling, and operating Android IoT fleets. The Android-based Emteria.OS supports Raspberry Pi and other single-board computers (SBC) to enable faster time-to-market. Emteria also ensures a seamless transition from Raspberry Pi to industry-grade hardware, such as i.MX8.

4. Thinger.io

Thinger.io is a ready-to-use scalable cloud infrastructure for connecting millions of devices. The server can be installed in your own cloud, and you can use the Open Source libraries to connect your devices. The admin console allows you to control the devices, or the REST API allows you to integrate them into your business logic. On the MCU, a light can be turned on or a sensor value can be read by writing a single line of code. Thinger.io provides ready-to-use scalable cloud infrastructure for connecting things even though it is an Open Source platform for the Internet of Things.

5. Modiverse

Modiverse is a mobile device management platform that offers both a web-based management portal and a mobile application. Rules, configurations, and definitions based on user profiles allow you to securely manage your devices. Modiverse is a cloud-based mobile device management platform for enterprises. Mobile devices can be fully customized based on enterprise needs. With the platform, an Android device becomes a mobile device dedicated to business needs, rather than a personal device. This enables verticalization according to business needs. With the platform, Android devices are transformed into hardware that can be used in a variety of ways and assist the owner in the way he or she needs. Any Android or iOS mobile device can be controlled.


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