How to present yourself and be meeting ready?

  • Always be early to an in-person meeting

  • If you are joining a remote/digital meeting, join 10 mins before to check the audio, video, and network connection

  • Prior to the meeting, do research on the client company and what they do

  • Always start meeting with an informal conversation to break the ice between the client and yourself

  • Take notes in the meeting to have a follow-up question

  • if you are unable to answer questions, get back to the client after the meeting or in the next call with detailed information

  • Speak slowly to make the person clearly understand your point

  • Make sure your explanation is stating facts to avoid misinformation while talking

  • Ask questions about the client company and team structure

  • Never get into any argument with the client

Dress code recommendation

  • Attire should be representing itAgenturen and company policy

  • Keep the t-shirt in muted colors

  • No jewelry during client the meeting to avoid distractions

  • No political slogans on T-shirts/shirts