International Women's Day

According to the United Nation campaign this year, the international women’s day theme is "DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality".

For that, let's celebrate and give a special appreciation to the women around us today! At itAgenturen, we value equality and encourage all staff, especially women, to develop in the workplace. For us, women in tech are exceptional and inspiring to this industry with different perspectives. Read the sharing below here from our itAgenturen's women to see how they work, learn, and inspire us every day:

Avani, CEO of itAgenturen

"Success comes from hard work. Never give up on something you believe in"

  • What is your perspective as a leader, and how to help women represent more in Tech industry? 

Leaders and women in this industry must believe in themselves and lead by example.

And making your team members aware of how hard work and discipline lead to success.

Leadership also requires decision-making, leading the team in the right direction and achieving goals.

The foundation of any productive team is trust and open communication, which are critical leadership skills. 

  • Any tips for women who are on the way to work in tech? 

Success comes from hard work. Never give up on something you believe in. 

  • Finally, who inspired you the most as a woman in your life? 

I have always been inspired by my mother, who taught me that women can do everything a man can and even more. 

Juli, Android Engineer

"Everybody has strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to build and learn in all the situations"

  • Any tips for women who are on the way to work in tech? 

Everybody has strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to build and learn in all situations. Building relationships with the people you meet in your career and personal life. It's so important if you want to progress in your career – knowing people in different companies, roles, and industries allow you to have contacts for the future.  

Ensuring you have a good work/life balance and are still doing the things you enjoy outside of work is so important. If you're burnt out, your colleagues and peers are likely to notice, and your performance at work may suffer as a result. 

  • Finally, who inspired you the most as a woman in your life? 

I have been inspiried by not any woman but my father. My father told me not to lose hope, and you can achieve all your dreams if you have a true heart and the power to do something. 


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